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400 East Blog

Wine Dinners Sun. Feb. 24 – Tues. Feb. 26
*dinner for 2 including a bottle of wine $40 * Featuring Rex Goliath Free Range Red Blend & Night Harvest Sauvignon Blanc by r.h.phillips ...

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Wine Dinners Sun. Feb 10 - Tues. Feb 12
*dinner for 2 including a bottle of wine $40 * Featuring Rex Goliath Malbec & Pinot Grigio HONEY BALSAMIC GLAZED SALMON over Caprice Orzo ...

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Wine Dinners Sun. Feb. 3 – Tues. Feb. 5
*dinner for 2 including a bottle of wine $40 * Featuring Rex Goliath Free Range Red Blend & Darcie Kent Chardonnay SOLE FRANCAISE w/Lemon ...

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*dinner for 2 including a bottle of wine $40 * Featuring Rex Goliath Malbec & Night Harvest Chardonnay by r.h.phillips SEARED LAMB MEDALLI...

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*dinner for 2 including a bottle of wine $40 * Featuring Rex Goliath Pinot Noir & Pinot Grigio SHRIMP PICATTA w/Sundried Tomatoes and Arti...

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Wine Dinners Sun. Jan. 13 – Tues. Jan. 15
*Dinner for 2 including a bottle of wine $40 * Featuring Night Harvest Cabernet by rh Phillips & Morasutti pinot Grigio CRISPY PORK MEDALL...

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Wine Dinners Sun. Jan.6 – Tues. Jan. 8
Wine Dinners Sun. Jan.6 – Tues. Jan. 8 *dinner for 2 including a bottle of wine $40 * Featuring Rex Goliath Malbec & Pinot Grigio ...

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Wine Dinners Sun. Dec. 9 – Tues. Dec. 11
Wine Dinners Sun. Dec. 9 – Tues. Dec. 11, 2012 *dinner for 2 including a bottle of wine $40 * Featuring Night Harvest Chardonnay & Merlot ...

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Wine Dinners Sun. Dec. 2 – Tues. Dec. 4
Wine Dinners Sun. Dec. 2 – Tues. Dec. 4, 2012 *dinner for 2 including a bottle of wine $40 * Featuring Rex Goliath Pinot Grigio & Malbec ...

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Wine Dinners Sun. Nov. 25 – Nov. 27
Wine Dinners Sun. Nov. 25 – Nov. 27 *dinner for 2 including a bottle of wine $40 * Featuring Rex Goliath Pinot noir & Morassutti Pinot Gri...

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