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400 East Blog

Wine Dinners Sun. Nov 18 – Tues. Nov 20
Wine Dinners Sun. Nov 18 – Tues. Nov 20, 2012 *dinner for 2 including a bottle of wine $40 * Featuring Rex Goliath Pinot Grigio & Night Ha...

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Wine Dinners Sun. Nov. 11 – Tues. Nov. 13, 2012
Wine Dinners Sun. Nov. 11 – Tues. Nov. 13, 2012 *dinner for 2 including a bottle of wine $40 * Featuring Rex Goliath Malbec & Night Harves...

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Wine Dinners Sun. Nov. 4 – Tues. Nov. 6, 2012 *dinner for 2 including a bottle of wine $40 * Featuring Rex Goliath Pinot Grigio & Pinot No...

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Wine Dinners Sun. Oct. 28 – Tues. Oct 30, 2012
*Dinner for 2 including a bottle of wine $40 *  Featuring Rex Goliath Malbec & Morassutti Pinot Grigio SUNDAY PAN SEARED SALMON with...

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Wine Dinners Sun. Oct. 21 – Tues. Oct 23, 2012
*Dinner for 2 including a bottle of wine $40 * Featuring Night Harvest Chardonnay & Merlot         BY R.H...

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Wine Dinners Sun. Oct.14 - Tues. Oct.16, 2012
*Dinner for 2 including a bottle of wine $40 * Featuring Rex Goliath Pinot Noir and Morassutti Pinot Grigio SUNDAY ROASTED PORK LOIN with...

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Wine Dinners Sun. Oct. 7 - Tues. Oct 9, 2012
Wine Dinners Sun. Oct. 7 – Tues. Oct 9, 2012 *dinner for 2 including a bottle of wine $40 * Featuring Rex Goliath Pinot Grigio & Malbec S...

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Wine Dinner for Two!
After a successful week of participating in Restaurant Week, we are going to continue our signature dinner for 2 with a bottle of wine for $40. Starti...

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Special Wine Dinners - Restaurant Week Sept. 16-22
Restaurant Week Sept. 16-22 Special Wine Dinners Along With Our Regular Menu Introducing our Wine Dinners for 2: $40 Featuring Night Harvest Chard...

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Family Meals To Go
Choose a soup or salad, entrée & starch.  All entrees served with house vegetable.  These meals are designed to feed 4 peopl...

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